True Leaders

We Need Leaders who will pioneer the formation of the communities of light. The Process of Creating the Initial Hierarchy and Formation Of The Communities of Light can Start Simultaneously.

The coming of the Hierarchy on earth and this teaching to bring His Kingdom on earth has been prophesied for thousands of years. Therefore, our organization consists of Masters of Wisdom, or Elects, who have already been incarnated to assume their roles and responsibilities. In other words, we truly do not have an organization in the earthly sense. The organization or Hierarchy on earth has already been chosen. The only thing left is for it to be externalized or to be manifested.


Those who form the New Hierarchy will eventually emerge from the Communities of Light. These communities are based on spiritual truth (Eternal Divine Path). Those who emerge from these communities will be highly spiritual and chosen. Therefore, the Hierarchy will be formed from Great Beings, and the spiritual government will be formed on earth.


Let us always go back to The Greatest Sign. If you meditate, and try to become one with God ( ichng-s.gif (891 bytes)), try to create the Communities of Light ( ), sacrifice for the communities ( cross-s.gif (869 bytes)), become surrendered and submissive ( islms15c.jpg (912 bytes)), and become a Universalist ( baha-s.gif (97 bytes)), you become an Elect ( kohw-s.gif (904 bytes)), the sixth seal. Such a people are the ones who will guide humanity to Pure Consciousness or to be in the image of God ( center-s.gif (899 bytes)).


There are many people who have been called to come and help to bring the Kingdom of Heaven On Earth. So that is another aspect of the Mission, calling those people who want to do His Will. This system is for humanity and the New Order of the Ages to come. However, there will be those who will help to bring this system to the earth and establish it. They are those who are on the earth but not of it.


In the system suggested by Maitreya, described in the book MAP (The Master Plan for Planet Earth), a process has been designed in which all leaders would emerge from the very bottom of society. By means of this process, their true intentions and abilities would be known. Therefore only those who were truly equipped with all the abilities to lead others toward harmony, equity, justice, and well-being would emerge.

In addition, another group of leaders would be elected by general election. This would bring balance into the system. By electing persons from outside the system, fresh and new ideas can be brought to the leadership. This would also prevent the system from becoming rigid and bureaucratic. It therefore would not become the field of domination of a few having all the power, or a system that requires rigid rituals or special behavior to reach the top. Room would be left for unorthodox leaders to influence the direction of the leadership by their progressive ideas.


If humans understand and accept this Truth and His System, and if a social order is established which allows only true leaders to be chosen as the heads of society (Paravipras, those who are in tune with the Will of the Lord and the state of society), then such a society will be guided toward the highest progress in a smooth evolutionary manner.

But if such a society (the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth) is not created, and the human continues with his own course and laws, as has happened in the last six thousand years, the result will be nothing else but suffering which will occur with resisting the progress toward the goal of the universe (to become Divine).


Social evolution comes from the top of society and it usually does not create friction between the classes. So the transfer becomes very smooth. That is why the Paravipras will be at the top of the pyramid.


The leadership and incorruptibility of the head of the pyramid is most important. That is the reason why Paravipras must not only have the qualities of the four classes, Shudras (workers), Ksattriyas (warriors), Vipras (intellectuals) and Vaeshyas (businessmen), but they also have to be spiritual. They have to be God-conscious. They have to realize Spirit. They will follow the Eternal Divine Path. They are incorruptible. Only then are we going to have the Kingdom on Earth.


The more missionaries created now, the more contactees created, the more representatives of the Mission created, then eventually one day we will see the Communities of Light start popping up everywhere, one after another.

Then probably we have to start thinking about creating the first body of Elders. And as the first body of Elders is created, then it is going to trickle down through the whole earth so we will create a very strong network of Elders, and eventually the Communities of Light are going to have representatives. Then the Mission will become a worldwide networking system that eventually can be a viable system to whatever activity it represents itself as.

And if everything on earth starts falling apart, then everyone will see that we have a viable solution for the world. That is how it will be done.


We are not going to try to take over the world. That is not the way we do it. We always represent the Truth to everyone, and they can accept it or not accept it. That is how it is supposed to work in theory, but what our future is going to bring and how it is going to work out, we will see. Of course, we have to be flexible all the time, work with all the energy we have available to us, and go from there.


The Elders are willing to, at least, go to the Source and break the bondages, to go beyond the little crutches or anything that binds them on this earth, or binds them on the ethereal level, or binds them any place on the path to the Essence. The Essence is Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal (FINE). It is neither male nor female, It is both. At the same time, He is form, He is Visible, He has a Name, He is in this earth. He is the Essence that is none of them, but also He is all of them.


We revere those people who have lived, live now, and those who will teach us how to know Him and show us the way to Pure Consciousness. Such people are those who connect us to the Spirit of God. They do not connect us to themselves, and they do not become obstacles in the path to God. They show us the way to come in touch with God, with the Spirit. In that regard, Communities of Light are the most helpful places, because the people will come together and create a community based on the Eternal Divine Path which is a very crystallized spiritual path.

This helps you to know the Spirit, because in the communities there are all kinds of support. So the people will share, understand, and struggle together, instead of concentrating on mundanity, and always following this and that for making money which takes them away from Spirit. As they struggle, share, and try, they understand themselves on a deeper level. They become One, as our song Samgacchadvam says:

Let us move together, let us sing together.
Let us come to know our minds together.
Let us share, like Sages of the past,
That all people together may enjoy the universe,
Unite our intention,
Let our hearts be inseparable.
Our mind is as one mind,
As we, to truly know one another, become One.

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Letter to humanity and their leaders

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