Reports from Contacts

New York

January/February 2010


Neglected to mention last month that I am another of those who love to be a reader of THOTH in the All Religions Unified room on Pal Talk during our morning services.

The IMing of new people who spend time in our rooms with an invitation to check out our website and to subscribe to our free newsletter continues.

On one of those IMs there was a woman who was originally from Yemen and is now residing in China. She is trying to learn the English language.Gave herthe link to ourwebsite and suggested she listen to the reading of THOTH while at the same time she has the written THOTH up and can follow along. She tried this and then sent back an IM togive thanks to Allah forthis link.

This month (January) a person in New York ordered THOTH.Sentan e-mail to introduce myself as the NY State contact, to inviteher to subscribe to our free newsletter, and to suggest she e-mail us any questions about our Mission teachings.

The Mission has mentioned how easy it is to become a member of each of our rooms on Pal Talk, inviting all to become members in all our four rooms. Have we, though, mentioned that you can each rate our rooms and also write reviews for each room?

That is also a very easy thing to do. Simply go to the rooms that you would like to rate and/or write a review for. Click the room name within the room itself (next to our classification, a big G, click the blue name). When the new page comes up, click: "Join this group" and put in your handle and password. Click the "Review Tab," and then "Vote." A box will come up where you can place your vote and type a review of the room.

A while back Pal Talk introduced this system as a new way to find Pal Talk's best rooms. On the Pal Talk Scene screen, on the right side, click the blue "On Today" and see how this actually works.

Pal Talk told us that, "The idea behind this is that if the community thinks that a room is good, we show it on this page. You can sort these rooms randomly, by the number of people in the room, or by the room's rating."

They continued, "Do you own your own group and want it shown here? All you need to do is make sure the group gets reviewed and keep it open. Your group needs to have a minimum number of reviews, a minimum number of people in the room, it must have a picture, it must be English-based, and it cannot be A-rated."

We meet all the conditions except we do not have the ratings and reviews.

Ananda Ma

Note: We encourage everyone to send in their monthly reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of each month. The Newsbrief is usually sent out the 10th of each month. Send your reports to:

Letter to humanity and their leaders

Our website was recently redesigned and is still under construction. We apologize for any errors, broken links, or other issues you may encounter and are working hard to resolve all problems. If you would like to help, please let us know of any issues you encounter by emailing

All Thanks To God (ATTG).