Update on Shield of
Approval Program

Original SOA article
Example SOA and Certification page

We have continued to develop and expand the Shield of Approval Program. The graphic design of the Shield and wording of the certification page have both been finalized and are ready for use. We have therefore begun the process of reviewing submissions for approval.

This week, several Mission member websites and projects were approved to use the Shield. Their names and URLs will be listed in the next Newsbrief, once the Shield has been placed on their work and linked to the certification pages. We will continue to provide updates on the SOA as necessary. Thanks God for this ability to allow for creativity and expression, while still keeping the teachings Pure!


To submit a project for approval, please contact the Mission of Maitreya at shield@maitreya.org. All Thanks, always, to God.

Letter to humanity and their leaders

Our website was recently redesigned and is still under construction. We apologize for any errors, broken links, or other issues you may encounter and are working hard to resolve all problems. If you would like to help, please let us know of any issues you encounter by emailing webmaster@maitreya.org.

All Thanks To God (ATTG).