Amazon Author Page
Video Uploaded

As you might remember from our last Newsbrief, Shirin has been working on a video for Maitreya's Author Page on We are happy to announce that it has been completed and has been uploaded to the Author Page. It is well done (thanks God Shirin :) ) and is ready to be viewed by everyone.

Although it looks pretty good as it is on the Author Page, it looks significantly better when you see it in a larger resolution/size. In the small size they allow on the Author Page, the text and smaller pictures do not seem legible; the text on the pages of THOTH shown throughout the video especially seem to be distorted.

To try and improve this, we are working with Amazon to see what their exact specifications for aspect size, resolution, etc. are. We are hoping that if we know what these are, we can make the video look even better than it does now. We are also asking Amazon if they can add the capability for viewers to expand the Author Page videos to full screen (make them larger, as is the norm on many other sites such as YouTube). They have told us they are working on these issues and will soon let us know what they can do for us.

For the time being, if you would like to see a larger version of the video, you can view it on YouTube.

As always, if you have any suggestions for improving this video further, or on how to resolve our problems with Amazon, please send them to the Mission.

Letter to humanity and their leaders

Our website was recently redesigned and is still under construction. We apologize for any errors, broken links, or other issues you may encounter and are working hard to resolve all problems. If you would like to help, please let us know of any issues you encounter by emailing

All Thanks To God (ATTG).