
The Tandavi dance is a very good exercise for women to transfer lower energies to higher ones.

As with the Tandava (Tantava) for men, it symbolizes the cosmic dance of creation, or the dance of struggle between life and death (traditionally the Tandava was performed while holding a knife or torch in the right hand, symbolizing life, and a skull or snake in the left hand, symbolizing death, with the individual dancing between the two).

Tandavi is recommended for women, and Tandava is recommended for men (in fact women should not perform the Tandava as it has a testosterone-creating effect). More information about both these dances can be found in Golden Keys 7 (search for "Tandava" or "Tandavi"). Also see this video on YouTube (the section on Tandava/Tandavi starts at about minute 50:55).

Tandavi is only recommended for women after marriage. It helps to develop Grace and strengthens many muscles, such as the pelvic floor muscles which can become weak after childbirth as well as other muscles around the pelvic area.

The Tandavi also has many other physical, mental, and Spiritual benefits.

How to Dance the Tandavi

Tandavi is demonstrated in the below video, and step by step instructions follow.

Note: The demonstrator in this video is not an expert dancer, so this can be seen as how to dance the Tandavi at a more basic level (as the dance is for all women and should be adapted to the skill, circumstances, abilities, etc. of each). We plan to release various demonstrations at different skill levels, once we are able to. If you would like to volunteer to demonstrate the Tandavi, let us know!

  1. Tandavi starts by standing up straight, with legs shoulder width apart, and hands in the Sal-Om position.

  2. Open your arms straight out to the sides while your hands assume the mudra position where your index fingers are touching your thumbs, palms either down or up (up if you are holding something in your hands while dancing, such as if you wish to actually hold the symbolic knife/torch and skull/snake of the dance).

  3. Shift your weight to your left leg so you can begin to lift up your right leg up in front of you in a bent position (as if you were assuming a cross-legged pose with only your right leg). Try to lift your right foot as high as you can, with the intention of touching your right heel to your left shoulder. (It is not necessary to actually touch your shoulder.) While bringing your foot toward your shoulder, tighten the muscles of the sexual organ (similar to Kegel exercises) as well as the core (abdomen) and pelvic floor (use these muscles to pull your leg as high as possible). By doing this (tightening all parts of the core, pelvis, and sexual organ as you lift your leg), you will greatly strengthen these parts of your body.

    At the same time, the right hand and arm also moves, following the motion of the right foot and leg. If your palm was originally turned downwards (previous step), allow it to gracefully shift to being turned upwards by the end of the movement.

    While doing all this, rise up on to the toes of your left foot. At the end of the movement, perform a final, extra squeezing of all the muscles and rising as high as possible on the toes of your left foot.

    All of this should be done in a slow, deliberate, and controlled manner.

  4. Return your right leg and arm to their original positions, shift your weight to your right leg, and repeat these movements using the left leg and arm.

  5. Repeat these two steps until you no longer can continue in a controlled manner (with good form). Even when you think you are done, try doing it a few more times!

  6. Also, align the HOSH mantra with these movements. With the movement of the first leg and arm, repeat "Haree Om"; with the second, "Shrii Hung"; with the third, "Om Nam"; and with the fourth, "Kevalam"; etc.

Note: Do not twist the pelvis at any point the entire body should remain pointing straight forward as much as possible during the dance.

Upon finishing, you will be breathless, so it is recommended to meditate afterwards.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some questions asked by disciples about the Tandavi, with answers by Maitreya in red:

  1. Can men perform the Tandavi and benefit from it, or should only women perform it (as only men should perform the Tandava)?

    Men are not recommended to perform Tandavi as it might decrease the level of testosterone in their bodies.

  2. Is there a relationship between the Tandavi and estrogen (as there is between Tandava and testosterone)?

    Yes, Tandavi is Tandava without creating any testosterone in the body of the dancer (woman). It indeed promotes more feminine hormones (estrogen, which refers to a group of hormones). That is why it make women more graceful. It also strengthens the muscles of the female sexual organ, which has many benefits!

  3. At what age is the best for a woman to begin dancing the Tandavi (12, 18, or ...)?

    After marriage when virginity is lost. Before this time it might strengthen the hymen and create more pain for women and possibly problems in couples' sexual relationships!

  4. May children - girls - imitate their mother when she does Tandavi and it will be an automatic start, transition to train by self..?

    Children might learn the dance but are not recommended to practice it regularly (for the same reason as above).

  5. Is there an age you should stop performing Tandavi, or can it be done for the whole life?

    It can be practiced for the whole life after you start doing it. Any exercise in any age, as far as it is not overdone, is good (God).

  6. Can Tandavi help with transition (menopause)?

    Yes, as any exercise (or innercise) will help, Tandavi will help even in a greater degree. It indeed affects the hormones and brings great balance in the body and so menopause can be handled and tolerated much better.

If you have a question about Tandavi that has not been answered here (and you cannot find the answer elsewhere on the website), send it to us.

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All Thanks To God (ATTG).