All Religions Are Unified

You are about to find the most amazing truth. If you study this site carefully, with a sincere mind and an open heart, it will be revealed to you that the major religions on earth are not contradictory and separated at all. In fact they are complementary and were sent to earth systematically by one God. When this is understood, the path to Salvation (Eternal Divine Path) is known.

Humanity has been waiting for this revelation for the last 12,000 years!

Who Are We?

In cultures and religions all over the world, there is a legend or expectation of a Teaching/Teacher that will come in the time of tribulation and great strife on earth to unify humanity and bring peace and tranquility...

Who Is Maitreya?

Maitreya fulfills the expectations of all cultures and religions of the Teacher to come. In His Teachings, Maitreya reveals a practical path to liberation and explains that each religion of the world has made a specific contribution to the greater truth...

The Revelations

The Teaching expected to come is here! Maitreya's Teaching has unified the religions of the world and will bring peace and unity to humanity, save those who have made themselves ready, and facilitate the emergence of the Kingdom of God on Earth…

The Prophecies

The One prophesied to come is known to Buddhists as the Maitreya, to Hindus as the Kalki Avatar, to Jews and Christians as the Messiah, to Moslems as the Mahdi, to Baha'is as the One Whom God Shall Make Manifest, etc...

Our Message (our Miracle)

Maitreya’s Teachings are based on The Greatest Sign. The Greatest Sign contains seven sub-signs (the Seven Seals), each of which represents one or more of the great religions of the world. It also reveals the Eternal Divine Path, the seven steps of spiritual achievement to the Goal of Life...

More About Maitreya

The Seventh Angel

The Seventh Angel

“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished…” (Revelation 10:7).

Seventh Angel   Coronation
The Seventh Angel


Maitreya is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as Hebrews and Christians expect their Messiah to be: From the lineage of King David. He is also from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (a Sayyed), as Muslims expect their Messiah to be...

Genealogy   Genetic Test
The Seventh Angel

All Can See Him

“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him..." (Revelation 1:7).

See Him
The Seventh Angel

Names Given to Maitreya

He has been given these names. He did not call himself by these names, as many have, fulfilling the Prophecy that “For many shall come in my name(s)...” (Matthew 24:5).

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All of Maitreya’s Teachings are based on a Sign (The Greatest Sign) and an accompanying Scripture (Book) called The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last Testament. Also read The Plan, The Golden Keys, and more...

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Letter to humanity and their leaders